
Celebrity Look 4 Less: Blake Lively as Serena

Blake Lively wore a red maxi skirt with white tank and chain necklace on the set of Gossip Girl in NYC on July 19th. (Photo credit)

Although I didn't find a vest exactly like hers, I think this outfit will still give you a Serena-esque look 4 less. The skirt retails for $44.90, the tank is $6.50, necklace is $34.90. The vest retails for $24.20 - click HERE to purchase, and the flip flops are $12.50. Click on any of the images below for more information!


Kristen said...

i love this look

. said...

Great skirt!

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Christie said...

i love blake lively's style - even if she doesn't style herself. great look a likes.