

Movie Inspiration: Black Swan

I just saw Black Swan yesterday, and although it's a seriously weird movie - the costumes (by Rodarte) were absolutely stunning. Here are some photos from the movie (photo credit, photo credit, photo credit):

Although I don't foresee anyone wandering around in huge tutus as seen in the movie, I think it would be easy to inject some inspired by pieces into your wardrobe (click on any photo for more info).

Are you the pure and sweet White Swan?

Or are you more like the seductive and reckless Black Swan?

Did any of you see the movie? What were your thoughts?


Dina's Days said...

I've been hearing good things about this film-especially the fashion. The white dress you chose is so magical!

Deco Aurora said...

I was the black swan for Halloween and was featured on I had a blast forming my costume and finding just the right pieces. Here is a link to the look I created.

Jenny K. said...

Very creative post! I love all your "inspired by" picks!

Lis said...

I liked it! i was confused a lot :-) but would definitely watch it again. At home.

sweetarchivia said...

Those are some really great picks! Very wearable but still with that ballet air about them. I have yet to watch the movie but I definitely look forward to the costumes!

Kristen said...

loved that movie! so weird, but great. i think the movie would be an awesome halloween costume idea!

East Coast-er Momma said...

Those are great outfits. The movie wasn't as deep as I had hoped, but it was pretty neat. I could have done without all of the "extra" stuff, but I know that that was a part of her finding herself. Either way, I think the outfits perfectly reflect the movie.