If you love Kourtney's style in the photo above, I put together a similar look with some budget friendly items below. Click on any of the images below to purchase, with the exception of the handbag - see link below photo along with price info for each item.
Jacket - $59
Tee - $11.80
Jeans - $39.50
Necklace - $12.07 on sale
Sunglasses - $24
Bag - $58 (click HERE)
Boots - $99 on sale
This is not my favorite Kardashian look. 3 large items in different colors of leather is a bit too much for me. Nothing against you - I love your blog and find myself checking it for updates several times a day. :)
No problem, thanks for your feedback! I felt like because they were all neutrals that they were fine together, but I can see what you mean. I think it might work better with a military jacket maybe in a cotton if you don't love all the different colors of leather?
I like the idea of a military jacket instead of the leather one. Good thinking!
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