
What I'm Wearing: Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore...

Happy Halloween!

I don't normally dress up for Halloween but I had this idea on Friday, so I put together a Dorothy costume with items I already had in my closet. Dress and top are both from Gap, shoes from Banana Republic. Einstein wasn't too thrilled about playing Toto, but he was happy to get a treat after our quick photo session.

What did you dress up as this year?


sunnseeker said...

Einstein is too cute :)

Unknown said...

OH that's adorable. Love that you found it all in your closet! ...and you had a little dog toooo muahahhaha ;)

Unknown said...

Look at you work that Gap dress into a costume. Very creative. You look perfectly adorable :-)

Kim said...

Awww you look so adorable, and the pooch is such a cutie in that little basket! Great costume from your closet!

Anonymous said...

agh! You are so cute!!!! My daughter was Dorothy last year :)

Kristen said...

That's great for putting it together last minute! You look fantastic!

Lorena said...

So very cute.....
I think the best way is to pull something together, like you have with things you have at home- well done.
I am a fan of Einstein... he is the cutest.

Lyndsy said...

You look so cute! Totally turned out great!

Lindsey said...

Oh dear. What kind of dog do you have? He is probably the cutest pup I've ever seen. And nicely done on the outfit!!

J @ The Look 4 Less said...

Girlsunnee - Thanks! :) I think so too.

Maegan - Haha, yep! Einstein makes the costume all come together I think.

Gigi Kim, Andi, Miss K, Lorena, Lyndsy - Thank you!!

Lindsey - He's a Yorkshire Terrier, and thank you!