
Free People Military Ruffle Jacket - *Updated - 8/27/10*

See bottom of post for update.

Free People's Military ruffle jacket retails for $148 and was worn (in black) by actress Sophia Bush on an episode of One Tree Hill. (Photo credit)

Free People at ShopStyle

If you love the look but not the price, Alloy has a great alternative which retails for $39.90. It's only available in grey, and you can click on the photo below if you'd like to purchase.

Alloy at ShopStyle

*Update - 8/27/10* - Apt 9 has a very similar military jacket and it's currently on sale for $39.99 (down from $72). Click on the photo below if you're interested in purchasing!

Apt. 9 at ShopStyle


Schnelle said...

pretty! very feminine. i really like it in white.


Nancie said...

so much help...thanx


Ivy said...

I just had to get it after seeing your post. I was able to save 35% by using codes UTAKE20 and
LOWPRICE15 and shipping was only .99 cents. YAY!!


Daniel, Alicia, Gage and Inara said...

I just saw on Wet Seal that they have a very similar jacket for $22.50. Here's the link:
