This white Emmie satchel from Mimi Boutique retails for $56 and is an amazing lookalike of the Chloe Paraty bag (see original post here). One lucky reader will win this bag (I'm so jealous!) thanks to the generous Michelle at Mimi Boutique. (Make sure to click over and check out all the other great bags and accessories they have to offer!)
Need this bag in your life? It's really easy to enter, all you have to do is...
1. Be a resident of the US.
2. Become a fan of Mimi Boutique on Facebook.
3. Comment below letting me know you became a fan (most important), and what's the best OR worst April Fool's joke anyone's ever played on you (or that you've played on someone else). I can't wait to hear some good stories (please make sure you only leave one comment so the entries get counted appropriately)!!
The contest will end on Wednesday, April 7th at noon CST so you have until then to enter (one entry per person please!). Winner will be chosen by random.org and will be announced on the blog later that day.
Good luck!
Unfortunately I don’t have any great stories of jokes I have played on anyone, or that anyone has played on me… But, I will post a pretty great April Fools Joke that Taco Bell played on the nation! “The Taco Liberty Bell - In 1996, the Taco Bell Corporation announced that it had bought the Liberty Bell from the federal government and was renaming it the Taco Liberty Bell. Naturally, hundreds of outraged citizens called up the National Historic Park in Philadelphia where the bell is housed to express their anger. Things only calmed down when Taco Bell revealed a few hours later that it was just a practical joke.”
I'm a fan! LOVE that bag. So excited to be wearing white again! yay.
One year, when I was about 11 years old someone gave me a fake scratch off lottery ticket that looked like you had won $10,000 so I ran into my mother's room screaming that we had won $10K...she totally believed it and was seriously having a nervous breakdown for like 20 minutes until I revealed it was all a joke. She still reminds me of the devilish scheme!
Two years ago, everyone in my entire department called our boss and told him we were taking personal days, all for different (and slightly outrageous!) reasons: one person stayed home with their sick dog, a vegetarian was sick from eating meat for the first time in 10 years, etc. We work for a newspaper, so having no reporters and no editors is a problem! Listening to the messages one after another, he went from confused to irritated to enraged - until we all showed up on time anyway! Then he was just APRIL FOOLED!
I'm a fan :)
Worst April Fools Joke - my mom convinced me that the reason why she was paying the toll on the Verazzano Bridge in Bklyn is because she was buying the bridge for me (a little at a time) for my birthday. When I asked why other people paid the toll too, she told me it's because they really wanted me to have it as a gift. When I moved to Florida (in the third grade) I had to stand in front of the class and introduce myself and tell the class one thing about me, my one thing was that I owned the Verazzano Bridge in Brooklyn. Nice mom.
LOOOOOVE that bag!!!!! Perfect for the spring and summer. Hmmm I dont know if this is a good thing or a bad thing, but I have never gotten fooled on :O/
Became a fan!
Best AFJ? My best friend told me she was pregnant while we were in college. Tricky times! Definitely freaked me out and I was relieved to find it was just a good ole' joke. Thanks!
I became a fan! So, I haven' had too many April Fool's Day jokes played on ME, per-se, BUT when I was freshman in high school the senior class played a pretty good April Fool's Day prank. Around 4 or 5 in the morning they all drove as many cars and they could into the school parking lot and all of hte adjacent lots. NO ONE could find parking and thus EVERYONE was super late for school that day. Quite entertaining.
I am a fan and enjoyed reading all the April fools pranks. Today our boss sent an email saying that due to the crowded conditions in the parking lot everyone would have to pay for a space in the parking lot and listed all the fees for different vehicles. I had no idea what day it was nor had I had a cup of coffee. Sounds like something this place would actually do so it was quite believable!
I am a fan!
The best April fools joke I played was when a co-worker of mine thought it would be funny to continuously lift everyone's windshield wipers up. Well the head of our security department also happens to be my mentor so I made him send my co-worker an email stating due to hightened security measures we have installed security cameras throughout the parking lot and noticed you have been tampering with other's vehicles. Please seize this action immediately or you will be reported to HR. Needless to say my co-worker freaked out and called me in his office because he knew I was friends with security. After much panic I finally let him in on the joke! April Fools!! :)
I became a fan! Thanks!
I became a fan!
In high school, I was a straight A goodie two shoes and wrote a journal entry for one of my fave teacher's on April Fool's. It went into some long story about how I was so sad about my ex-boyfriend and I breaking up, but we got together one evening, and this led to that and I just found out I was pregnant! April Fools! I thought it was so funny, but in hindsight it was kinda dumb. Ha.
i became a fan on facebook:) the worst April Fools joke played on me was about 3yrs ago. My gf's and I had booked a tripe to Playa Del Carmen scheduled to leave on April Fools, now I should have known better, but I thought my gf's wouldnt do anything;) HA! We snagged some free flights from one of the girls moms that was a flight attendent so we were doing stand by. So we get to the terminal to wait and when we get there the guy says I am sorry girls it doesn't look like you are going to be leaving today it will be tomorrow. Well we had this awesome excursion planned for that day. I was PISSED to say the least. So I am stomping away and the girls are behind me laughing their asses off and I am yelling at them its not funny! Seriously I was like a 5yr old. Then they said April Fools we are flying first class! I didn't know if I was still pissed or happy because we were flying first class. After a few minutes of settling down I was happy again. I told them there would be hell to pay, and that next morning they paid with a hell of a hangover;) HAPPY APRIL FOOLS DAY! Hope nobody gets played for a fool to bad today;)
Became a fan! I can't think of any great April Fools jokes that I have played, or had played one me, but I think Google is playing a pretty good one on us right now and switching its name to "Topeka!"
I became a fan on facebook.
When I was little my brother and I "played" the same April fool's joke on my dad. We would run to him yelling that the toilet was overflowing! He was only fooled the first year and I guess we thought it was so funny that we tried to get him every year. Nice of him to humor us...
Hmmm... I can never go through with playing an April Fool's joke, I always give it away with my expression! (also became fan on facebook) Thanks! tzappile@gmail.com
Eek!! LOVE that bag! First off I became a fan! Secondly, funniest joke I played was on a boy I liked in high school. He played baseball and was an outfielder. I put a HUGE pair of granny panties in the finger of his glove so when he ran out to the field, he found them in in glove and had to keep them in his pocket the whole inning until he could run back in. Everyone say him pull them out and it was hilarious!
I friened Mimi Boutique on FB.
My sister was 13 or 14 years old and my niece was only a few months old. One day my aunt and uncle came to visit to see the new baby. My sister went upstairs with the baby. Afew minutes later you hear my sister scream and see the baby fall down the stairs. My uncle ran to the stairs with his eyes and mouth wide open. When he went to see if the baby was ok, he noticed it was a doll (the size of the baby) with the baby's clothes. Mind you, no one else reacted because she had already fooled us with that one.
I became a fan! =) I don't have any great April Fool's Day stories...April 1st is my Dad's birthday so every year growing up my brothers and I would always try to play little pranks on him, but with no luck. Because he has been pranked his whole life, he's ready for them. Lame, I say! lol.
I became a fan! So my April Fool's one is embarrassing but I was young! I was probably 8 or 9. My Mom came in and woke up my sister and I and she was so excited because our cat, Lexi, had babies that night. My sister and I were freaking out to have baby kitties. Needless to say, we forgot that Lexi was a boy and not quite capable of having babies. Ugh! It's definitely fun to look back on though and laugh.
I'm a fan on facebook!
I've actually never really had any pranks pulled on me or been one for them myself, but I really like my brother's idea for this year. he teaches 3rd grade and has one half of a pair of identical twins in his class. He's going to tell the OTHER twin, in the other class, to giggle all day and have her friends call her by the wrong name, so that the teacher suspects them of switching places! I think it's cute and completely harmless.
I became a fan of Mimi's on FB!
A horrible April Fool's joke was actually TODAY when my very good friend told me he was having a baby... He dragged it on and on.... But the joke's on me now!
* Erin *
I am a fan but I have no stories sorry!!'
I became a fan. Love the bag!!!!
Became a fan of Mimi on Facebook! Hmm...I can't remember any good April Fool's pranks that were played on me but when we were first married, I played a trick on my husband and told him I was pregnant...he believed me at first but, then knew I was kidding. I'm not very good at keeping a straight face. :)
just became a fan on facebook! i haven't really had any april fool's jokes played on me that were really all that memorable - some might say i'm just a little too conscientious of when things seem too out of the ordinary to be true. i know, i'm no fun!
I became a fan and I LOVE the bag. I definitely need a white bag for Spring.
One of my friend's birthday is on April Foods Day, so we all decided to pretend we forgot his birthday. He was so upset and didn't get it...until we we decorated his car and wrote on it HAPPY BIRTHDAY. (April Fools.. of course we remembered!)
I became a fan on fb! Thank you for this opportunity.
On April Fools Day, my sister played a prank on me saying that the guy that I like also likes me!! I know she was playing around, So I played along too..
We were sitting down coloring (yes this was when we were like 8 or 9 yrs.old).
Then I told her if your a playing around something will happen, she burst out laughing, she was laughing so hard that she fell off her chair! (Joke is on her now). I don;t know if this is a funny story to everyone, but this memory that I have of us being silly is something that I will treasure forever.
I'm a fan, I'm a fan!! I WANT that bag. I missed out on the ELLE bag at Kohl's and I am sad. Winning this bag would make me HAPPY : )
April fool's story**
My aunts bday is on April Fools day. One year, many many years ago my uncle and I bought a bundt cake, filled a water balloon with whip cream, jammed it in the center, covered the cake with tons of frosting and we gave her a super sharp pointy knife to cut the cake with. When she inserted the knife to cut the slices, POP!! HEHEHEHEHee!!
I became a fan on facebook :)
One of the worst April Fool's joke that was played on me was from my brother.
Over 2yrs ago i had my little pet chihuahua dog, during that time she was sick due to her age (she was 13yrs old), Well I was at work that day and I got call from some random voice saying he had my dog and he could see me from my office at work. I told him he was lying but he told me everything from what was I wearing to what was I doing. Then he told me to go check my mail box, I did and there was a picture of her laying down (she was really sick after-all). I started panicking, I told him what did he want and he gave me directions, which I thought it was strange because he wanted me to go grocery shopping. Well I got what he asked me and then he told me to go to the parking lot and take it to this vehicle, at first i didn't want to because i didn't know who's it was and i was scared to get caught by a cop. But he told me the number combination to unlock the car, so I opened it and put them in there and then he told me to leave. I got back in my car for a while and waited to see who's was it, the caller called again and threatened if i didn't leave i was going to get my sick dog back. So i left back home and when i got there my dog wasn't there. I looked everywhere for her. My brother came over and i told him what had happened. After a hour he confessed he was the caller, and that my dog was at the vet because the doctor called him saying to bring her in that his last patient called on him. I nearly killed him but then I asked him about the groceries, he said he needed them because he wasted his last money on the vet bill.
I vowed to get revenge on him next April fool's, but sadly my dog passed away the next year on April fools. Its one of the hardest day's ever because I was blessed to have her for 15yrs
I became a fan on facebook! I'm a us Citizen and the best joke ever played on me, was my mom always cooked fake dinners for our family. One year we had mashed potatoes, meatloaf, and salad, all made out of candy!!
I'm a fan!
I told my HS students that they had a pop quiz today and they groaned and got out their pencils.....as I passed out a quiz that only said April Fools on it!
They were not as amused as I was. lol
Thanks for a great giveaway!
I am a follower and also became a fan on facebook. US resident as well. :) Last April Fool's my boss told me I was fired and it was seriously emotional the entire day until I found out it was a joke and all my coworkers were in on it!
I became a fan :) I've definitely done some pranks to my friends many times. Last year when my roommate was gone for the day, some of my friends and I filled up my roommate's bedroom with crumpled up newspaper. We covered the walls with newspaper and literally filled up the whole room and closet with crumpled newspaper. It was full enough that I could jump off her desk without getting hurt because the newspapers would cushion my fall. When my roommate came back and opened up the door, there was an newspaper avalanche! Of course we helped clean up afterward but it provided us with awesome pictures!
Thanks for the giveaway ^.^ I became a fan of Mimi Boutique and am a US resident.
I havent got prank on or prank someone else, yet I have a story of my friend's April fool day (not sure if its good or bad haha). This one guy came to my friend and say "I liked you for long time, can you be my girlfriend?" and they started to date. It's funny because later on he told my friend that if she rejected him, he would just say april's fool. That's his way to not embarrass himself =P
I'm a fan now!
So for my best prank - when I was a kid, I put a rubber band around the sprayer on the sink. When my mom came home from work and went to wash her hands, the trigger was depressed on it and she got soaked. It completely surprised her and we had a good laugh afterwards. I thought it was a pretty good trick, and still remember it to this day!
I became a fan-
Well, let's see. When I was in elementary school, I brought some hot Chinese mustard to lunch and put it on my friend's buttered bread, hoping it would be concealed and she would take a bite- unfortunately, it looked nothing like butter, and my friend reported me to the lunchroom aide! So I spent recess standing against the wall! I don't think I've played a joke since.
I became a fan, but I cannot pull off April Fool's Day stunts, bc I am a terrible liar!
I'm a fan on facebook.
The worst one that I can think of was just yesterday's. My husband said he can't have lunch with me because of a meeting....but he didn't have a meeting. I know. Not funny. Sorry, but it really happened. :)
I'm a Facebook fan! One year, my sister and I decided to play a trick on my dad. Most of our family lived up North in the Chicagoland area and we were living in Alabama at the time. We went to our front door and pretended that our relatives had just arrived from Chicago for a surprise visit. Our dad came running to the door excitedly expecting to see family but only got an April Fool's smile and giggle from us!
sazzyfrazz at gmail dot com
ah, that bag is simply fantastic!
i definitely am a fan mimi boutique. what cute stuff.
best prank? mmm...my sister actually came in my room the other night with an article from the paper. in the op-ed section, someone wrote an entire thing about how they were bringing a jersey shore type of show to our town. talked about casting calls, the different businesses that were a part of it, it was incredible. after an entire page of getting semi-psyched, and wondering who the heck would watch this show, i get to the last line:
if you're interested, please email matt at aprilfools@gotyou.com
i thought it was very silly and creative!
I became a fan!
My april fool's joke is the same every year. Since I was 15, I tell my mother every single year that I'm pregnant and every single year (I'm now 21) she believes me! Her biggest fear is that I will get pregnant before finishing college LOL!
i'm a fan of mimi's boutique on facebook. best april fools joke: posting friend's car for sale on craigslist!
I became a fan! The best prank that probably was ever pulled on me was during my senior year in high school. I was a good girl, never gotten into any trouble my entire 4 years.
One day I got called down to the assistant principals office and he told me that he had found out I had been doing drugs in the school parking lot. I wasn't going to be able to graduate, and they were going to expel me from school. As I started to cry, the assistant principal let me know that he was a very good friend of my cousin's and he had asked him to play a prank on me. Awful. Haha
I just became a fan! =) The bag is lovelyyyyyy~ Hmm... I never really "celebrated" April's Fool day since I 'm usually too busy to even remember, but this year I went on thinkGeek and saw the Dharma Initiative Alarm Clock (I'm a huuuuge fan of the tv show LOST) and was super psyched to buy it, but turns out it was just an April's Fools joke.... so yeah... T_T
1. resident of US
2. fan on FB (Sarah Garraty)
3. worst April Fool's joke/prank i can think of at the moment that i have experienced: peanut butter all on car door handles in my high school's parking lot...gross and messy!
happy easter!
I became a fan! No one has ever pulled a "good" prank on me. So far...
I became a fan! No one has ever played a prank on me either to date! Love the bag!!
i became a fan. ^_^
one year, i posted as my status on facebook "oh no. i don't know what to do. i bought a jaguar on ebay, just for fun, but i don't have the money. what do i do?" then i kept it up by continuing to freak out that now my fiance wasn't talking to me because of that, etc. i kept it up all day. it was awesome.
I just became a fan! :)
The best April Fool's joke anyone's ever played on me? The night before, my boyfriend at the time and I had a huge fight (arguing about him attending my HS senior prom! LOL). On April 1, decided to text me early that morning saying "ITS OVER! I can't deal with this anymore. I'm in love with someone else. I'm taking her to prom." I thought it was true, so I'm like GOOD RIDDANCE! Didn't speak to him all day, ignoring his calls. He then relays a message to my sister, telling her it was an April Fools joke... BUT the joke ended up being on him, because I was looking for a reason to ditch him :) ... Weeks later, I found my new boyfriend, and we've been going strong for 6 years :)
I'm a fan on facebook!
April Fool's...as a kid my younger brother was constantly trying to convince me that the dorky boy in the neighborhood was calling asking for dates. I wouldn't ever believe him, but of course it would get my heart beating and I would be terrified that he really did want a date. Luckily, this never happened...all a joke!
I'm a fan on facebook!
I don't think I've ever had a joke played on me. But I remember in elementary school when we would put chalk in the erasers and we thought it was hilarious!
I became a fan! WHOOHOO!!
Best April Fool's Joke that I fell for (this year!) was that the letter Z was being removed from the alphabet..
I can't remember where the article was or who sent it to me, but man, I told EVERYBODY! I was convinced that my cousin, Zach, was going to become "Xach"..LOLOL
I'm so gullible anyways though..a total sucker for all April Fool's Day jokes!
Hi there! I am now a fan on facebook...yay! As for April Fool's Day...The only joke I can remember falling for was when I was roughly 10 years of age. My best friend lived 2 houses down from me. She called me early in the morning to tell me that my cat had died. Before she could get the "April Fools" out of her mouth, tears were streaming down my face...it was very sad! Imagine my relief when I realized it was only a joke...
I just became a fan! This is not the best because I ended up almost killing my husband but after "losing" his wedding band on our honeymoon, we ended up getting him a second one to wear. So he thought it would be hilarious if he would fool me with a story of how he lost his second band. After i threatened to divorce him, he finally yelled out "APRIL FOOLS"...did i mention that this happened in August?!
I am a fan. I don't know why I wasn't one earlier as I love the bags!
I usually don't play April Fools jokes because I always forget about the day but my ole standby is the "I'm preggers" announcement. It is fun to see people's reactions every time. But, I have now become the girl who cries pregnancy, so when that day comes (in a million years) who knows if anyone will ever believe me!
Posting a comment for reader KELLIE D who wasn't able to get the form to work.
"I am a fan, and this bag is amazing :)
I was 16 years old, and had just gotten out of the shower on a Saturday morning. My mother started pounding on the bathroom door telling me that "Kevin" was at my front door and insisting on seeing me (this was a boy I had just broken up with - sweet right?) Anyways, I was freaking out - hair was a tangled mess, no makeup (wore a lot back then) and my Mom seemed furious he was there, and was telling me to get out here and deal with this because he was "a mess". I ran out of the bathroom in a complete panic yelling that I needed to get dressed before I could be seen, and my Mother burst out laughing. My grandfather used to get her with that SAME STORY, and I hope to use it on my own daughter some day :)"
I'm a fan!
Can't say that I've ever had an April Fool's joke played on me. We spend the rest of the year messing with each other enough! So no need for that one day special.
1. I am awesome.
2. I am a US resident.
3. I am a fan of Mimi's Boutique on Facebook as of one minute ago.
4. April Fool's: One year when we were in high school, I set my sister's alarm for 3 a.m. (instead of 6) on a school day. She got up, brushed her teeth, took a shower, got fully dressed, made her breakfast, packed up her stuff for school...and then looked at the time on the microwave and realized that it was about 4 in the morning. She was so pissed at me! We were both tired because I had gotten ready too, but it was totally worth it (for me at least). It's fun being a big sister! :)
became a fan! yay bags.
A few days ago, a guy I'm seeing called me and told me he was bleeding out of his eyes and ears. I believed him because he recently suffered a blow to his head during his pre professional match as an MMA fighter. He was screaming in agony and told me he couldn't move and that he was waiting for his friend to drive him to the hospital. I was on the phone with him the whole time waiting to make sure his friend gets there when he started to shiver through the phone and then became silent. I had only a few minutes to decide whether I was going to work and when he didn't respond, I immediately got into my car and decided to speed towards his house. A few minutes later he called back to say April fools. I was drove to work later and was late. I was so mad that I didn't talk to him until yesterday.
BTW- Bought the Joselyn Bag in Black a few days ago! Waiting anxiously for it to arrive so excited!
-Linda (From California)
I'm a fan on facebook!
Worst April Fool's day prank played on me: Fake parking ticket on my car, that I almost paid!
just became a fan! great bags!
april fools joke was an eviction notice on my apartment door, not funny!
I am a fan of Mimis on FB. Best April Fools joke was this year and played on me. at our monthly safety meetings we have a drawing for $1000.00 as long as we have 0 accidents. this months meeting was april 1st and I was out of the office.my co-worker texted me that I won and had several other coworkers send me the same message.the last message was "Happy April Fools Day!".I work with a bunch of stinkers!!
I am a fan!
this april fools i made chocolate chip xlax cookies and served them to my coworkers, i loved seeing so many people needing a restroom break!
Became a facebook fan!
For April Fool's Day during my first year of college, some friends and I made a huge batch of brownies for some of our guy friends. But we added this powder that makes your pee blue. So they peed blur for at least 3 days. We definitely never heard the end of it!
I became a facebook fan. This didn't actually happen on April fools but was pretty close, I had been trying to get pregnant for a while and once finally did had gone for an ultrasound. I told my husband after the ultrasound that we were having triplets - He definitely freaked out over that one.
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