This snake bracelet by Kathy Rose at Roseark is stunning, and a favorite of stylist Rachel Zoe. This particular bracelet ranges from $2800-3200.

If you want a similar style on a budget, Tori Spelling's collection for HSN has a great option for only $49.95. As a bonus, this snake bracelet is also a watch. Click here if you'd like to purchase or view the other photos available.

that's really cool, do you know of anywhere that sells wrap around snake rings? My roommate had one and it broke and I wanted to buy her a replacement for her bday but she doesn't remember where she got it.
love the blog :)
Lianna J
Lianna - So glad you like the blog! Here are some wrap around snake rings I found at various prices:
$42 (only size 7 left):
$25 with crystals:
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