If you could keep my little Yorkie Einstein in your thoughts, I'd appreciate it. He broke 2 bones in his paw last night and we're waiting to hear if he has to have surgery. I know it may not seem like a big deal to some people, but I don't have children and he's like my baby. I feel terrible that this happened to him. :(
*Update - 7/16* - First I just wanted to say thanks to everyone for your sweet and encouraging comments and emails. I appreciate it so much!!
I just wanted to give you all a quick update. We had a consult with a surgeon today and he said that Einstein's case isn't black and white. He feels that it is possible that he could heal just fine after 8 weeks in a splint BUT wanted us to be aware that there is also the possibility that it will not completely heal due to poor blood flow to the extremities that is typically found in small toy breeds like Yorkies. So basically if it doesn't heal properly after 8 weeks in a splint they will have to go in and do surgery at that time (our other option was to just go ahead with the surgery now). After discussing our options with the surgeon, my husband and I decided it wouldn't hurt to do the splint for 8 weeks and see if it will heal on it's own (Einstein seems to be getting around fine and not in any pain). At the 8 week mark we will take a new x-ray and send it to the surgeon so he can determine if surgery would be necessary at that time. So I guess we just have to wait and see how it looks in 8 weeks, and in the meantime we will keep our fingers crossed that it heals on it's own!
Thank you again for keeping Einstein in your thoughts!
Oh no!! I will definitely pray for him! My little Angel is like my child too. Awww.
Oh no, I'm so sorry!! I'll be thinking of him. :(
Praying for Einstein!!! I totally know what you are going thru... we've been there with our little Boston Terrier who is our life. Keep all of us avid readers posted!!
Little Precious Einstein, I am sending you love and healing to your little bones. I hope they heal well without a lot of exterior poking & intervention. You're too cute to be poked!
awww what a little cutie! poor thing! :(
my yorkie is like my baby too! <3
oh no!! poor little E! i will keep him in my thoughts. im totally with you - tico is my child and no one can ever tell me different! hope he gets better soon.
Awww I hope he feels better! *Hugs* I know just how you feel...I have a little kitty who is my WORLD.
hey dont worry he will be alright
i hope lil einstein is ok!
Oh poor pup! I'll be thinking about him - hoping he doesn't have to have surgery!!
Your poor puppy. I'll def be thinking about him.
I'll be sending healthy, happy vibes Einstein's way--he's so very adorable! I have two yorkies and they mean the world to me.
You bring all your readers a lot of daily happiness and hopefully our thoughts and prayers can send a little of that happiness back to you.
I love your blog! Your little guy is so cute! Bless his heart, I will keep him in my prayers (my dog is my child,too).
I just said a special prayer just for him. I hope that everything turns out okay for the little sweetie. :)
Oh, your poor pup! I totally understand! I have two black labs and they are my only children, as well! I hope he doesn't need surgery!
awww am sorry to hear about Einstein, i will keep him in my prayers!!
Oh No! Poor little Einstein
Prayers going up....
My little teacup yorkie, Summer, a whopping 2 pounds fell from a very great height. No broken bones, but lots of torn ligaments and muscle. We thought she would never walk again. Tons of TLC, prayers
and acupuncture have my little girl running on the beach once again.
So sorry to hear this!! Def sending you and him my thoughts and prayers!!
I have a lab as well who is my baby so I understand! I hope Einstein is okay, and I'm sure he will recover quickly. *hugs*
I hope your little Einstein is okay. He is so cute!! Its sad when our little babies (doggies) hurt! I don't have kids either and my Miss T is my world!!
I will say a prayer for your little one!! I hope it will heal without surgery!!
Oh my goodness! It is a big deal! We all grow so close to our pets. He'll be okay though - maybe they'll even put him in an adorable puppy cast. ;-) He's definitely in my thoughts.
Aw! I'm like that with my chi. Hope your baby is ok. He's adorable.
he is so adorable. and of course its a big deal. ive had my chihuahua for 15 years now and she is my baby, so i completely know how attached you can become. keep us updated on einstein!
I am keeping my fingers crossed that little Einstein will heal without surgery - he's in my prayers! :)
We have a miniture pinscher and she broke four bones in her front leg when she was just 3 monthes old. She was in a splint for about 8 weeks. She ran and jumped and really had no problems on the splint. She did get a little sore on her leg where the splint rubbed. And when the splint came off she was fine. Good luck!
i'm rooting for Einstein and hope he has a speedy recovery! i'd be a wreck if anything happened to my puppy so hang in there :)
Thats great news... my friend's springer spaniel was in the same situation, and she opted for the splint, which worked fine. i'll cross my fingers that it will work for einstein too!
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