To celebrate Earth Day 2009, I've decided to do a little "green" giveaway. One reader will win this adorable RuMe reusable shopping bag, as seen being carried by Jessica Alba. (photo credit: Just Jared) See original post here.

The rules:
1. You must be a resident of the US.
2. Leave a comment on this post telling me at least one way you are "green" in your daily life!
The contest will end on Saturday, April 25th at noon CST. I will announce the winner (decided by random.org's integer generator) later that day.
I rarely use the lights in my apartment. They are off when I am at work, and when I am home, I keep the blinds and curtains open to allow the most natural light inside for as long as the sun is shining.
I car pool to work
I use reusable tupperwear when bringing my lunch to work. No plastic bags, no saran wrap. It's convenient! Also, I have a reusable mug rather than a water bottle for the office.
cute bag! one way i am green is by unplugging all my electrical items before bed (laptop, lamps, etc.). also by using a Sigg waterbottle instead of buying tons of dasanis/poland springs
I use a lunch box instead of a brown bag for my lunch at work. I use tupperware instead of baggies if at all possible. I recycle my newspaper and cans and plastic bags and paper bags. I have one reusable bag that i try to remember to take with me to the store.
As a crafter I am careful to constantly be making the most of my materials by using scraps, packaging and odds and ends around the house that would normally get thrown away! I posted a fun bracelet made from a diet coke can on my blog today!
Before I give a presentation, I email everyone involved with a copy of the presentation and ask them to bring their computers to take notes on as opposed to printing hundreds of sheets of power point slides!
Cute bag! I recycle everything that can be recycled by our city. I also take my empty cosmetics containers (which can't be recycled by my city) to Origins because they have a great new program for it.
adorable bag.
I recycle. I open the windows instead of turning on the air. I use a brita water filter instead of water bottles
We collect all of our kitchen waste to compost it and grow our own veggies!
*I take the bus to work whenever I can.
*I use reusable shopping bags *hint, hint*
*I use reusable water bottles and tupper ware containers.
i recycle and conserve energy.
Cute giveaway! I do a bunch of "green" things including using reusable bags, recycle, and carry a lunch box instead of plastic bag.
Happy Earth Day. Cute giveaway... Thanks for hosting. A couple of my everyday "green" activites include using a lunch bag, and a dish towel in the kitchen (as oppose to towel sheets).
Very Cute bag
I use Public transportation every day (Train or Bus)
I use reusable totes
I recycle
Good Luck to everyone!
Hmmm, I also do many of the things already mentioned, so here's a new one to add to the mix: I use compact fluorescent light bulbs.
I have a camelbak water bottle that I refill instead of buying plastic water bottles or using paper cups!
I recycle diligently, I take the bus, and I hardly throw anything away
Gosh, we recycle, we compost, most of our appliances are energy star compliant, we use reuseable shopping bags, my husband bikes to work and uses reuseable tupperware for his lunches. Happy Earth Day everyone!
Let's see, I recycle, take public transportation, use my Sigg bottle, and recycle! :)
I try to be green in my every day life by using recycleable bags whenever I go to the store. And it doesn't hurt that they are a heck of a lot sturdier than those crappy plastic bags that are killing the environment.
I even got my Mom on board!
I bike to work (or ride public trans if it's raining), recycle, use re-useable bags & re-useable water bottles, and try to buy recycled products and reuse whatever I can.
I recycle, take public transit (or walk!), use my own grocery bags, and instead of using air conditioning on warm days i open the windows.
I teach at a middle school and the seventh grade theme this year is living green. So, we are collecting a week's worth of paper and plastic to show how much we use all the time and recycling it as part of a field trip.
We do lots of stuff here - use natural light during the day, turn down our heat at night, use a water filter rather than bottled water, recycle, freecycle, and use reusable bags like this one.
We have solar panels on our house and grow fresh produce in our backyard.
I recycle, use reusable bags, and a reusable water bottle.
I have made a lot of changes recently to become more 'green'. Everything is unplugged at night and I've started charging my phone only when I REALLY do need to charge it. I recently bought a water filter and a Sigg so that I don't have to use plastic bottles anymore. My roommates and I also recycle everything possible. When buying groceries, we buy as much as we can in glass containers and find ways to resuse those. I also take public transportation to work and school (well, when the weather is nice, I like to walk).
being vegan
public transportation! walking/bikes!
eco light bulbs!
vegetarian and raw eating as much as possible!
online bills/pay!
kleen kanteen everyday - all day!
recycle recycle recycle everything possible!
only 'green' cleaning products that DONT test on animals - or making own cleaning prducts!
organic and biodegradable pet products!
working for a company the is eco minded and organic friendly and that makes everyone recycle!!
there are so many little things you can change to make a HUGE difference.
you can live a (semi) normal life without being labeled a "hippy" or "granola" - and you can totally love mother earth and cute shoes!
Being aware!
Make yourself an example!
fabulous bag!
i use reusable shopping bags. i have my nalgene bottle i use daily instead of bottled water.
I rinse out plastic sandwich baggies and re-use them. I use Nalgene bottles instead of water bottles.
I'm into reusable food containers, water bottles, coffee cups, etc. Love that bag!
Love this bag and your blog!
Lets see..I use all energy star products including appliances, light bulbs, etc., re-use all plastic bags, eco-friendly aluminum foil, cleaning products, toothbrush, razors, skincare, recycle, use Camelbak water bottles, online bills, shop at local farm markets, and work from home so I never drive!
I use reusable shopping bags, I recycle, I use a nalgene bottle whenever I need to bring water with me, and I use vinegar and baking soda to clean my kitchen and bathroom.
I own no car and accomplish most daily errands on foot, and I use cloth dish towels in lieu of paper. Usually refuse a bag in any kind of store, too.
I use a Klean Kanteen- one of the aluminum water bottles instead of taking Dasani to work everyday. I convinced my roommate and mom to get one too! We also recycle glass bottles like wine & beer.
I compost, recycle, shop with reusable bags and if I forget them I just carry my purchases out minus the plastic bag
I <3 your blog!
I started using an aluminum water bottle instead of taking disposable ones to work every day. I use reusable bags at the grocery store. I also use "green" cleaning products.
I make sure to shut off appliances that aren't being used and use an aluminum water bottle everyday instead of plastic bottles. Thanks for the giveaway!
caitlinhyla at gmail dot com
I have 2 trashcans in my kitchen and I seperate all my recyclables plastic/glass/paper and biodegradable waste... I think everyone should make a habit of doing this :) we want to keep the Earth as long as we can :)
I use reusable waterbottles, recycle, and try to use canvas totes when I'm shopping. But I could really use another cute shopping bag! :)
I use a coffee mug at work instead of the paper cups they supply in the kitchen.
I belong to Freecycle, a yahoo group, where you post household things you are finished with and someone else will take them. This is a great way to keep things out of landfills. I give clothes and household items to registered charities as well.
I use my sigg bottle to store my water/beverages. I also take public transportation to work.
I use energy efficient light bulbs. I keep my small appliances unplugged, and I have a very cute bottle that I use for water everyday!
It's a bit easier to do this in moderate climates like Southern California, but my fiance and I only turn on the air conditioner once it gets unbearable, and we don't even know how to operate our thermostat (or maybe it's busted, it's an old apartment), so we do without heating in the winter, just swaddle ourselves in blankets and sweaters instead. :)
Just in the nick of time!
I walk to and from work every day. I love not being a slave to my car and gas prices! Thanks for sponsoring such a "green" giveaway. Q? If I win the bag will I be as fabulous as Jessica Alba? A girl can hope right? :)
I walk places instead of driving whenever I can!
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