
Celeb Style Steal: Jessica Alba with RuMe bag

Jessica Alba was recently spotted out in Beverly Hills doing some grocery shopping with an adorable reusable tote by RuMe. (Photo credit: Just Jared)

If you want to be both stylish AND environmentally friendly, click here to purchase your own RuMe bag for $9.95 (or you can get a set of 3 for $29.85 by clicking here).


Desiree said...

Hello, I've been enjoying your blog lately. Do you happen to know the name of the yellow scarf she is wearing? I love it! thanks!!

J @ The Look 4 Less said...

Desiree - Glad you're liking the blog! I'm not 100% sure but I think her scarf might be by Autumn Cashmere. It's on sale at Revolve Clothing for $78: http://tinyurl.com/cetu4s

If that's more than you want to spend, Wet Seal has a similar scarf for $5.50 here: http://tinyurl.com/db7qm6

Hope that helps!

Desiree said...

thanks so much for your reply! I am not sure if the Autumn Cashmere is the same scarf because hers looks almost like the jersey material. But of course it is really hard to tell online. I do like the ones you linked me too and they should do just fine! thanks again!!