Olivia Wilde recently wore this Express paisley dress to Nobu's One Year Anniversary party in West Hollywood (photo credit: MSN Entertainment).

Update: This gorgeous dress has now reappeared online, all sizes available. It retails for $88.00 (if you sign up for their mailing list you will get an email with a code for 15% off, making the dress under $75).
yikes. That's the girl from House, right? Something looks really off about her here. She's very skinny but it's something else...her face is odd in these pictures. It took me a while to recognize her, and I probably wouldn't have if I hadn't just watched the show last night!
Yep, that is the girl from House. She does look kinda bad there - her face looks weird, like her cheeks are sunken in or something.
I have that dress! And I love it! It was mission impossible for me to obtain it (sold out at all the local stores), but I managed to snag it... and at a great price I may add. =)
Jackie - Where did you end up getting it (I'm curious about the great price too!)?
I missed it again :( Thanks for the heads up!
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