I had some trouble coming up with an idea for a Valentine's giveaway, so I hope you guys like what I decided on!
One winner will receive the Confessions of a Shopaholic book, and a bottle of Chanel nail polish in Vendetta (a great dark purple that is new for Spring 2009). You can see pictures of the polish on an actual person at All Laquered Up.

Now for the rules...
1. You must be a resident of the US.
2. Leave a comment on this post with your own shopping confession!
Want to increase your chances to win? Here are two more options to get additional entries:
Become a follower of this blog through blogger, and then post another comment letting me know you've done so. If you're already a follower, just make a second post commenting that you are already a follower. Make SURE you make another post - don't add it into the first one. See below for explanation. :)
Mention this giveaway with a link to my blog on YOUR blog! Then post another comment here with a link to your blog post.
(The multiple comments just make it easier for when I enter it into random.org - it helps if I have the correct # of posts listed at the top instead of going through and counting them all up! So basically, if the posts are all in one instead of separate - you will only end up getting one entry due to the way I count up the posts. Hope that makes sense!)
The contest will end on Wednesday, February 11th at 12 pm CST. I will announce the winner later that day!
If you have any questions, please email me at lookforless@gmail.com.
Good luck!!
What a great giveaway! My shopping confession is pretty basic: I shop WAY too much! :)
My shopping confession is that I have clothes in my closet that still have tags on them... and they've been in there for years! Ooops!
I make impulse buys during good sales and then the clothes stay unworn in my closet
oooh great giveaway! my confession is i am obsessed with scarves.. i can't not buy one if i see one! i'm adding you as a follower :)
My shopping confession is that I went overboard during the after-Christmas sales. Most of the stuff is still in the boxes and hasn't been used.
I'm following you on blogger.
I blogged about this giveaway. http://daturarose.blogspot.com/2009/02/new-contest.html
I shop way too much but I do love the clearance and sale areas the most.
I shop way too much and often times buy things that never get used--especially when I buy stuff for my kids. I've given away a ton of stuff with tags on it to Goodwill.
PS I'm now following you.
My shopping confession is that I look at Anthropologie's website MULTIPLE times/day for new clothes...also i do still have some thngs iwth tags on them. Thank you for the giveaway!
PS I follow you through reader.
My shopping confession- i spend more money on makeup than i do on food sometimes!
My husband, who thinks I have way too many shoes, was really proud of me when I put about 15 pairs up for sale on ebay.
My shopping confession is that I only put those shoes up for sale in order to buy myself new pairs!
i spend money on makeup/ other cosmetics that i should be saving to pay back student loans.
I have credit card debt and massive student loans and yet I can't seem to refrain from spending a ton of time on eBay every day and going shopping on my lunch break.
And a second confession - I recently really got into working out, so I keep buying yoga pants and sports bras. I do laundry every week - I don't need this many pairs!
one word..ebay
my shopping confression~ I go into stores and "stalk" regular priced items until they go on the sales rack; then I stalk the sales online to see which is the better deal!
I am a follower of you blog
My own shopping confession? I don't really have one, I rarely shop :( I guess sometimes I go overboard at online diet food/nutrition stores, they have so much good stuff! Does that count?
I'm a follower!
Love your site! My shopping confession: I have no more space in my closet and half the shoes I own I have never worn, but I take them out of the box and adorn them every now and then.
Posted on my blog!
Shopping confession - I should donate more money to good causes instead of feeling the compulsion to buy, buy, buy, shop, shop, shop. Sometimes I feel so selfish it makes me sick, but I just love to shop and have nice things!
Here is my confession - I one time bought a dog on impulse even though my family already had a dog. Luckily I ended up finding it a new home.
I am a follower through Google Reader
My confession?
I love to splurge on the best skincare and makeup that I can find. But for clothes I shop Forever & Target. Good thing they are affordable so I can balance out my splurges.
I will buy things simply because they are on deep discount and not necessarily need/like/want it
I am now an "official" follower, even though I was already following ;)
I have wasted a lot of money on mascara and eye shadows that I barely used....
I totally dig that purple color. Me wanty!
Confession: I have major retail therapy; shoes and purses usually. Right now I am fixated on finding the perfect swim suit though.
Your loyal follower
I'm following your blog now...nice so far. I found your site because I read Fabfindunder50 everyday.
And my shopping confession? I don't really have one...I'm in my late 20's, and I live in NYC so I shop quite a bit...but that's the beauty of having an awesome job (and living in a city that has everything one could possibly want!!) Yay! :)
I have to triple up on hangers just to fit all of my clothes in my closet...
And I'm already a follower on google reader :)
My shopping confession is that I buy clothes online just so the sales clerks at certain stores don't realize how often I am in their store!
I also added you to my blogroll!
AND I posted your giveaway on my blog!
My shopping confession is that I shop at my local mall so much that the stores where I shop try to give me the mall discount. I love to shop and this blog.
My confession is that I love to buy anything on sale!!!!!!!
I'm am SO excited for this movie....I have read the complete series 2 times!! :)
My confession is I have bought numerous items in the past that were too small because they were a great deal because I would convince myself that I would lose X number of lbs and be able to wear it soon.
I found your blog a few weeks ago through Fab Finds Under $50.
My confession is that I sometimes sneak new clothes and shoes into my closet so my husband doesn't know I went shopping again. I purposely don't wear it for a few weeks, so that when he inevitably asks, 'Is that a new top (pants, shoes, purse)?', I can truthfully say...
'Oh this old thing? I've had it for awhile!'
I confess: I keep all my receipts so that if an item goes on sale, I can repurchase it at the lower price and then return it using the old receipt.
my confession: i always wait too long to return things and end up keeping things i don't like or don't need!
and i follow you through blogger!
My shopping confession is buying my LV purse with my first bonus check instead of paying my credit card bill.
of course im a follower. im obesessed with this blog!!!
I've posted - http://christinasfavoritethings.blogspot.com/
My blogging confession is that almost every weekday I end up going shopping during my lunch hour! (I work right next to the mall. Awful.)
I'm following your blog now! :D
i follow and i have two: im a shopping hoarder (i still might have some faithful bought items from high school); and secondly, i love to shop but will never do it without a coupon (but that doesnt stop me from shopping atleast once a week!)
oops, heres the 2nd i follow comment!
Great giveaway!
confession: i love shoes, handbags and fashion accessories more than clothes lol
and you are already part of my blog roll
im a true believer in retail therapy =)
My shopping confession is that I can't stop buying 4 inch heels, even though I barely ever wear them!
My shopping confession is that I just LOVE to shop. If I see a boutique or a mall, I have to stop in. You just never know what you might find.
My shopping confession is that I prefer to shop by myself.
I get depressed when someone gets something I really want before I do because I can't get it anymore because it would be copying!
I used my textbook money for a pair of new shoes...all $800. So now I borrow the textbooks from the library, scan them, and read it on my computer.
I spend hundreds of dollars in one shopping trip and end up returning half of it =(
More than half of the clothing items I buy are love at first sight, but I never end up wearing them because I fall out of love with them as quickly as I fall in love with them.
I added a link to your site on my blog and told a few friends about it through Facebook as well...I'm just saying! :)
My shopping confession: sometimes I feel a bit guilty for spending on new clothing or shoes, so then I bring a bunch of old stuff to a consignment shop. Which is okay, until I start raiding my husband's side of the closet to start funding my new purchases :)
p.s. you're now the first blog I'm following through Blogger. Now I know how to do it!
I just became of follofer of your blog :) Yay!!
Ok, My shopping confession is that I am obsessed with sales! Last week I went to a half price sale at my local thrift and got 5 sweaters and a pair of gap flats all for $9. The week before that I went to a bag sale at Platos Closet and filled up a bag for $10..I ended up getting 2 bags (for $20) filled with 25 shirts :) ~Kendra~
I confess, I buy way too many pairs of underwear. Strangely enough, I never have them when I need them! I'm also a sucker for bold prints and leather.
I'm a follower!
I've posted giveaway link on my blog
I often intend to return an item, but forget to return it until it is too late. Then I end up with an item I can't wear and can't return. Money down the toilet.
your blog has been on my blog roll forever. I just love your finds.
MY shopping confession is that I am way to cheap to buy things. I love love love getting a great deal. I will tell everyone how much money I saved.
My shooping confession is that I put myself on a 30 day shopping ban and lasted only 3 days before I found a killer deal on some 7 for All Mankind jeans. $196 down to $75!! I couldn't pass it up :)
Confession: I sometimes buy in multiples if something is cheap
I just subscribed using Google Reader!
My shopping confession? I would rather eat ramen noodles for a week just so I can afford a new outfit for Saturday night! Worth it!!!!
Good gracious, can I just take a moment to tell you how much I LOVE that polish?
Anywho, I *think* I just subscribed to your posts via blogger. It kind of messed up so I'm not sure. But I've been reading your RSS feed through google reader for months!!
My shopping confession is there are two websites that I check DAILY for new clothes...and I still have clothes in my closet with tags on them.
my shopping confession...i check fashionunder100 and forever21 everyday instead of doing homework! but luckily i don't actually spend that much money.
I hit up the clearance section first and buy pieces just because they are on sale. I end up spending money on something I dont need bc I think im saving money
That color rocks! I sew my own clothes. I buy cool fabric, or use vintage sheets, and make my own fashions.
I just became a follower!
My shopping confession - I have gone shopping midday and changed outfits, just to change things up.
My shopping confession is that I don't shop enough, and when I do, I over do it. Also, I end up regretting 75% of my purchases because I impulse shop, and later on I find something better quality, and better priced. :-)
Confession: I buy things that are all wrong, then I have to traipse back to return them, and then I spend a ton on more things, but it seems there is always an item that needs to be returned and thus an endless cycle of buying. :)
my shopping confession is that sometimes i feel like an idiot wandering stores for long periods of times by myself - so i love shopping online!
I'm hooked on sales and clearance/bargain items of any kind!!
Already a follower on my Google Reader :)
Just became a follower! Love your blog! My shopping confession is that I intentionally go out to buy sale items and come back with wayyyy too much stuff, deafeating the purpose of being a spendthrift.
My confession is that I love sales and only buy when on sale except I spend too much on sale items so I am not exactly sure where I am saving money. LOL! Love that purple polish!
Just became a follower! :)
i buy stuff i think will look cool on then i realize it might be too 'out there' and people might look at me funny so it stays in my closet :(
aaaaaand i am now following your blog!
I love to window shop online and eventually end up buying the things I love!
I'm a follower :)
Oh, just made it!
My shopping confession is that I love shoe shopping above all else and have probably 150 pairs of shoes. But here's the thing: I buy shoes and I won't wear them for years. Literally - years. For some shoes that I love I just have to have that "perfect time" to wear them. So until that day arrives they just sit on my shoe shelf.
P.S. I love that nail polish color! Beautiful!
AND I'm a follower!
I own way too many purses, but I can't bear to get rid of ones I know I will never use again. I also cannot go near ebay anymore, which i cannot seem to stay away from currently.
confession: it looks i spend so much more than other people with the quality and quantity of items i score- but reality, i am sure i am much more stingy than the average person
I am following you on blogger - I forgot to add this comment until now !
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